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College history

From college history
The history of the Mogilev State Polytechnic College began in the first years of Soviet power, as evidenced by a letter from Mogilev residents to V.I. Lenin dated February 22, 1919, stored in the archives of the Museum of the October Revolution. Unfortunately, the civil war and foreign military intervention did not allow the training process to unfold, and the functioning of the new training center was postponed for a long time.
The technical school received its second birth after the Great Patriotic War - by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 178r dated January 10, 1947, a mechanical engineering technical school was founded in Mogilev. On February 7 of the same year, the first 90 students began their studies. The educational process in the technical school was carried out in four specialties: "Pneumatic and electrical machines and tools", "Production of equipment for the building materials industry", "Metal cutting by cutting", "Installation of industrial equipment".
The first graduation of the "typewriter", as the technical school was then called in the city, took place in 1949. Most of the graduates later became production managers, highly qualified specialists. Zhabyko DA worked as the director of the experimental plant in Mogilev, the plant "Krasny Borets" in Orsha - Zakharenko TM, the design bureau of the plant "Strommashina" was headed by Malinovsky NG, and its chief technologist was Bakhankov AD ., Goryanin E.Ya. became a teacher at the Engineering Institute. etc.

The student body grew rapidly. After the second enrollment, their number increased threefold, and by the beginning of the 50s had reached an impressive figure of 1600 people. In terms of the number of students, the technical school was one of the top five similar training centers in the USSR. The desire for a constant process of improving the acquisition of knowledge inherent in the technical school made it possible for many graduates to become heads of enterprises and their structural divisions, engage in scientific and teaching work, and be elected to responsible posts in state authorities.
The variety of specialties, the breadth of the profile of training specialists gradually turned the technical school from mechanical engineering to polytechnic, and from 1.01.1966. it began to be called polytechnic.


In the conditions of constant improvement of knowledge, mastery of modern teaching methods, the teaching staff of the college has been working all these years. High erudition, kindness and interest in the fate of students are a characteristic feature of college teachers.
Many teachers and employees spent most of their lives within the walls of the technical school. In the technical school, and now the college worked former students who devoted themselves to the noble cause of professional and moral formation of the younger generation: Kurlenko K.K., Ignatov M.N., Rashchupkin V.I., Voronova L.V., Voyunkova S.P. , Boyko N.S.
The years passed. Life put forward new requirements for the training of mid-level specialists. The questions of continuous education, upbringing of a harmoniously developed personality were raised ...
On September 1, 2003, the Mogilev State Polytechnic College was reorganized into the Educational Institution "Mogilev State Polytechnic College".
Polytechnic College today ...

In pursuance of the decision of the Mogilev Regional Executive Committee of December 23, 2014 No. 32-11 "On the reorganization of institutions of vocational and secondary specialized education" UO "Mogilev State Polytechnic College" was reorganized in the form of joining UO "Mogilev State Professional Lyceum of Mechanical Engineering" with the opening of a department.
Training in the college is carried out in technical and economic profiles on the basis of basic, general secondary and vocational education in two areas:
training of specialists with secondary specialized education;
training of specialists with vocational education.
The task of the teaching staff of the college is not only to train a highly qualified specialist who knows and loves his job, but also to educate a citizen with high ideological and moral qualities and a civil-patriotic position. The implementation of this task is carried out by the teaching staff by organizing extracurricular work with students, systemic preventive work, psychological and pedagogical prevention of deviant behavior, working with parents, developing student self-government, creating conditions for the formation of stable psychological and physical health of students.










 In order to implement the assigned tasks, the college uses a variety of forms that contribute to the development of students, their self-realization, the formation of an active life position. An important component of ideological work is the activities of public organizations:
NGO "Belarusian Republican Youth Union" (BRYU);
NGO "Red Cross", NGO "OSVOD".

Students willingly participate in amateur performances, study in circles, clubs and amateur associations, perform at competitions and festivals, charity concerts - in a word, live a full-blooded student life.
The college staff preserves and enhances patriotic traditions.
The students of the college are worthy of the MEMORY WATCH. Repeatedly the HONORARY CARRAUL of the educational establishment "Mogilev State Polytechnic College" took the first places in the regional and city shows for the best keeping of the MEMORY WATCH.


Students and staff of the college sacredly honor the memory of those who fell for their HOMELAND.
 It is a good tradition in the college to celebrate the veterans of the Great Patriotic War and labor, concert programs "Please accept our congratulations", "Happy holiday of wisdom and spiritual youth" and others.








On the eve of the 65th anniversary of the Great Victory, college veterans, together with their students, laid the Alley on the territory of the educational institution.
Our graduates ...
The pride of every educational institution is its graduates. Over the 70 years of its existence, our college has given a start in life to more than 30 thousand young specialists who work in various fields of industry, the national economy and apply in practice the knowledge gained at the educational institution.
A vivid example for today's students are graduates holding responsible positions and making a great contribution to the prosperity of their native city and the Republic of Belarus.

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В будние дни

 1 час2 час
108:45 - 09:30   09:35 - 10:20
210:30 - 11:1511:35 - 12:20
313:00 - 13:4513:50 - 14:35
414:45 - 15:3015:35 - 16:20

В субботу

 1 час 2 час
109:00 - 09:45   09:50 - 10:35
210:45 - 11:3011:35 - 12:20
312:30 - 13:1513:20 - 14:05
414:15 - 15:0015:05 - 15:50